The six imperatives for studying intercultural communication.

1 min readJan 29, 2021

I mean a lot of things came through for me during the discussion but what really strike me are the six imperatives. They include, self-awareness imperative, demographic imperative, economic imperative, technological imperative, peace imperative and lastly the ethical imperative.

In the book by Martin and Nakayama, the imperatives are used to help us understand the dimensions and the reason for studying intercultural communication. The self-awareness imperative enables us to understand our own cultures whether learned, assimilated or we have grown within the context. Demographic imperative allows us to understand diverse cultures and be able to relate without ethnocentrism taking course. Economic imperative enables us to understand and embrace globalization and its economical fruits. Globalization has helped business grow in terms of expanded markets and new business opportunities that cut across nations with different cultures. In short, all the imperative with regards to their name, have a major role to play in the embracement of culture world widely and communication plays part in all these thus intercultural communication.

Understanding and applying the six imperatives would actually prove helpful in the near future especially in certain professions as provided by this course, for example if one was to undertake ambassadorial work, the knowledge acquired from this specific topic would come in handy while dealing with people from different countries and places.

